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"Silence, Doctor...silence will fall." |
In essence, the Silence are social parasites of humanity. To my knowledge, in reality the syndrome is unknown among mammals (although right-wing pundits might debate the point), but a fantastical diversity of specialist social parasites haunt eusocial insects: usually termites or ants—and respectively classed as termitophiles or myrmecophiles. Members of the latter category have been identified in 95 arthropod families (Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990). (For various reasons, the entomofauna of social wasps' and bees' abodes is far less rich; Wilson, 1971.)
Argentinean Microdon sp. photographed by Alex Wild alongside adults of its prey (Linepithema oblongum) |
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Yet another invasive scourge of apiculture: the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida); portrait by Alex Wild |
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Clockwise, top-to-bottom-left: Clitelloxenia formosana, Horologiphora sinensis and Pseudotermitoxenia nitobei |
Lateral and dorsal views of C. ovambolambicus, drawn by Ivanov Petrov (after Kistner, 1968) |
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A paussine from Mozambique (portrait by the great Piotr Naskrecki) |
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Left (top-to-bottom): Labidopullus ashei, Pseudomimeciton sp.; right (""): Bayeria vespa, Ecitophya bicolor |
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Female immaculate antbird (Myrmeciza immaculata: Thamnophilidae), an obligate army-ant follower |
*Yes, this is the singular form of the species' name ("Silence" is plural). So much for grammar...
†Following the completion of a holometabolous insect's metamorphosis.
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