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Cerci of Opisthocosmia cervipyga (Forficulidae: Opisthocosmiinae); photographed by Fabian Haas (©BMNH) |
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Outstretched hind wing of Allodahlia scabriscula (Forficulidae) |
Hemimerus vosseleri (female) |
Arixenia esau (female) |
Both of these families have adapted to an epizoic lifestyle by developing live birth (vivipary)—with embryos each developing at the termini of ovarian follicles, nourished by a thickened epithelium dubbed a "pseudoplacenta" (Hagan, 1951). Gestation in Arixenia esau is additionally complicated by the movement of older fetuses into their mother's oviduct, which is modified into an ad hoc uterus (Tworzydlo et al., 2013). It probably goes without saying that other earwigs conventionally lay eggs, except for the unexplained aberration that is Chaetospania borneensis (Spongiphoridae) (Kočárek, 2009).
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An Apachyus sp. (Apachyidae); purportedly one of the closest relatives of the Hemimeridae (Engel & Haas, 2007) |
Hence, for further illumination of earwig evolution we must draw on data derived from the field of paleontology, despite the fact that the dermapteran fossil record is far from copious (Wappler et al., 2005). Nevertheless, it includes not only representatives of the extant superfamilies Pygidicranoidea—putatively dating as far back as the late Jurassic (Shcherbakov, 2002) or no later than the mid-Cretaceous (Engel & Grimaldi, 2004)—and Forficuloidea (Wappler et al., 2005), as well as members of the similarly living families Labiduridae (Zhao et al., 2010) and Diplatyidae (Engel, 2011); but also two wholly prehistoric suborders: the Archidermaptera (Jurassic of Eurasia; Whalley, 1985) and Eodermaptera (later Jurassic of Kazakhstan and Manchuria, perhaps extending to as late as the Cretaceous; Zhang, 1994; Zhao et al., 2010).
The latter suborder is evidently akin to the Neodermaptera, as deduced from their shared lack of annulation in the cerci (Haas & Kukalová-Peck, 2001) and 3-3-3 tarsal formula‡, but differ in their retention of ocelli (Zhao et al., 2010). In their turn, the Archidermaptera (which include five families; Grimaldi & Engel, 2005) are distinguished from the remainder of the order by the presence of venation in their tegmina and primitively segmented cerci: although it should be noted here that nymphs of Karschiellidae and Diplatyidae (Neodermaptera) do also retain like segmentation (Burr, 1911; Shimizu & Machida, 2011b), hinting at already apparent paraphyly among these ancient earwigs (Willmann, 1990).
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Mother F. auricularia from Washington protecting her eggs from the photographer (Lynette Schimming) |
But enough of the evolutionary biography of earwigs as a taxon; what of their lineage? No self-respecting overview of the scientific opinion on this subject could omit mention of the diverse order Protelytroptera, which are temporally restricted to the Permian Period and crop up throughout what was then the supercontinent of Pangaea (Kukalová, 1966). Formerly, the classification of the Umenocoleidae herein (Carpenter, 1992) extended protelytropterans' range beyond the massive Permo-Triassic extinction (Arnett, 2000): but umenocoleids have since been unmasked as bizarre cockroaches (Vršanský et al., 2002). The most salient protelytropteran trait would be their sclerotized forewings, which paleoentomologists even go so far as to term "elytra" in likeness of the analogous (but not homologous) features for which beetles are known: indeed, several protelytropterans were once upon a time mistaken for some form of quasi-beetle (Tillyard, 1924; Laurentiaux, 1953). Wing structures in the order are suggestive of an affinity with earwigs, and it is as such held that the Dermaptera descend from within the Protelytroptera (Haas & Kukalová-Peck, 2001): but this theory remains unconfirmed.
Other than their inclusion in the clade Polyneoptera, we can say little and know less of the broader relations of this ordinal duo: proposals vaguely lean towards distant kinship with the Notoptera, Dictyoptera (mantids/cockroaches/termites), Zoraptera, Plecoptera (stoneflies), or selections from the above in one permutation or another (Boudreaux, 1979; Haas & Kukalová-Peck, 2001; Jarvis et al., 2005; Terry & Whiting, 2005; Wheeler et al., 2001; Simon et al., 2010). In the end, the jury is still out as to the exact origin of earwigs.
I could have told you so right out of the gate; but where's the fun in that?
*As this would refer to colugos, which belong in a wholly different superphylum.
†The trio of ommatidia situated between the compound eyes in the insect cephalic groundplan.
‡Which is to say that all of their tarsi consist of five segments.
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